What I did from 2022-JUL-31 to 2022-AUG-06.
What I did from 2022-JUL-18 to 2022-JUL-29.
What I did from 2022-JUL-10 to 2022-JUL-16.
Links Mojo::Darkpan https://github.com/rshingleton/Mojo-Darkpan Dockerfile The repo has a Dockerfile that appears suitable.
There does not appear to be an image that is published into Docker Hub.
Docker-Image-Mojo-Darkpan I make a project https://gitlab.com/jtrowe/docker-image-mojo-darkpan that will use GitLab CI to build a Docker image.
The original Dockerfile in the Mojo::Darkpan repo proved to be a little fussy for me.
So I just wrote my own Dockerfile, and it works ok.
Install cpanm Mojo::Darkpan
Run w/o Config darkpan # if you want a config file # darkpan --config config.json This is now running on port 3000.
There is no authentication on this. See Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus to configure it.
{ "basic_auth": { "main": { "username": "admin", "password": "admin" } } } { "basic_auth": { "main": { "path": "passwd" } } } passwd:
admin:admin Upload a tarball curl --data-urlencode module=App-Artifact-Repository-0.1.0.tar.gz --data-urlencode 'author=jtrowe' http://localhost:3000/publish Returns ‘OK’.
Problem: I want a CPAN compatible hosting site for my Perl modules I’ve not done this before so, investigate what is out there.
Searching for prior work Duck Duck Go: “hosting darkpan modules” MetaCPAN: “Pan” Results:
App::DuckPAN App::RetroPAN BackPAN::Index CloudPAN FreePAN https://github.com/ian-kent/gopan MiniPAN Mojo::Darkpan MyCPAN::App::DPAN OrePAN2 Pinto https://www.stratopan.com/ WorePAN App::DuckPAN App::DuckPAN “DuckPAN is an application built to provide developers a testing environment for DuckDuckHack Instant Answers.
A high level description of the tools and applications I have
set up in my home lab.
This is more for my benefit than anyone elses.
Requirements section sidebar in posts search avoid npm if possible Current Theme : LoveIt LoveIt Theme Notes: Ace Documentation Ace Documentation :
Seems nice for technical documentation. Not a general purpose theme.
Theme Notes: Anatole Anatole No section list in posts. Does seem to have a projects type of page or post. Has a taxonomy type “series”. Has automatic “related posts”.